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FR All too often ransomware can be avoided with the right IT security and risk management procedures.

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FR comments from the Gracechurch 2020 London Market claims research

FR “First class in all areas, always happy to help or explain queries further..” “Great understanding of claims service, providing a quick professional, experienced claims ethos..” “Excellent – commercial awareness is great and so is their willingness to accommodate suggestions to enhance the service given to clients..”

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In terms of patient privacy and confidentiality, telehealth consultations need to adhere to the same standards as in-person appointments. That means in each stage of transmitting, storing and sharing data, controls must be in place to ensure that patient information is kept secure, and only shared with those authorised to have access. Human error, malicious attack, tech failure –

or a software error, such as that which enabled users of Babylon Health’s UK based app to access video recordings of other patients’ consultations [3] – could all compromise data security and patient safety. These risks require organisations to act quickly if things do go wrong, to work with their data security and insurance partners and to ensure that any breach is handled correctly and reported to the right authorities.

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  • In terms of patient privacy and confidentiality, telehealth consultations need to adhere to the same standards as in-person appointments.
    • That means in each stage of transmitting, storing and sharing data, controls must be in place to ensure that patient information is kept secure, and only shared with those authorised to have access.
  1. Human error, malicious attack, tech failure – or a software error, such as that which enabled users of Babylon Health’s UK based app to access video recordings of other patients’ consultations [3] – could all compromise data security and patient safety.
    1. These risks require organisations to act quickly if things do go wrong, to work with their data security and insurance partners and to ensure that any breach is handled correctly and reported to the right authorities.
  2. In terms of patient privacy and confidentiality, telehealth consultations need to adhere to the same standards as in-person appointments.


FR Industry Recognition edit


Winner of the 2020 Cuthbert Heath Award (Claims and Losses)

Insurance Insider Honours

Winner of the 2020 Excellence in Claims Service Award

Reactions London Market Awards

Winner of the 2020 Cyber Risk Pre-Breach Team Award


Awarded and ‘Outstanding’ Gracechurch Service Marque in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020


FR comments from the Gracechurch 2020 London Market claims research

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Produits aéronautiques et spatiaux

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FR C42 Horizontal Link List - 2 Links Lists

FR Current Customers and Brokers

Alerte de notification

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Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.

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