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ES-ES In terms of patient privacy and confidentiality, telehealth consultations need to adhere to the same standards as in-person appointments. That means in each stage of transmitting, storing and sharing data, controls must be in place to ensure that patient information is kept secure, and only shared with those authorised to have access. Human error, malicious attack, tech failure –

or a software error, such as that which enabled users of Babylon Health’s UK based app to access video recordings of other patients’ consultations [3] – could all compromise data security and patient safety. These risks require organisations to act quickly if things do go wrong, to work with their data security and insurance partners and to ensure that any breach is handled correctly and reported to the right authorities.

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  • In terms of patient privacy and confidentiality, telehealth consultations need to adhere to the same standards as in-person appointments.
  • That means in each stage of transmitting, storing and sharing data, controls must be in place to ensure that patient information is kept secure, and only shared with those authorised to have access.
  1. Human error, malicious attack, tech failure – or a software error, such as that which enabled users of Babylon Health’s UK based app to access video recordings of other patients’ consultations [3] – could all compromise data security and patient safety.
    1. These risks require organisations to act quickly if things do go wrong, to work with their data security and insurance partners and to ensure that any breach is handled correctly and reported to the right authorities.
  2. In terms of patient privacy and confidentiality, telehealth consultations need to adhere to the same standards as in-person appointments.

ES-ES This is the title of the text block

ES-ES In terms of patient privacy and confidentiality, telehealth consultations need to adhere to the same standards as in-person appointments. That means in each stage of transmitting, storing and sharing data, controls must be in place to ensure that patient information is kept secure, and only shared with those authorised to have access. Human error, malicious attack, tech failure –

or a software error, such as that which enabled users of Babylon Health’s UK based app to access video recordings of other patients’ consultations [3] – could all compromise data security and patient safety. These risks require organisations to act quickly if things do go wrong, to work with their data security and insurance partners and to ensure that any breach is handled correctly and reported to the right authorities.

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  • In terms of patient privacy and confidentiality, telehealth consultations need to adhere to the same standards as in-person appointments.
    • That means in each stage of transmitting, storing and sharing data, controls must be in place to ensure that patient information is kept secure, and only shared with those authorised to have access.
  1. Human error, malicious attack, tech failure – or a software error, such as that which enabled users of Babylon Health’s UK based app to access video recordings of other patients’ consultations [3] – could all compromise data security and patient safety.
    1. These risks require organisations to act quickly if things do go wrong, to work with their data security and insurance partners and to ensure that any breach is handled correctly and reported to the right authorities.
  2. In terms of patient privacy and confidentiality, telehealth consultations need to adhere to the same standards as in-person appointments.

Cuerpo básico Este es el texto del título

Desde que Beazley inició su actividad en 1986 en una pequeña oficina de Fenchurch Street, en la City de Londres, hemos crecido constantemente en muchos aspectos. Nuestra sede mundial se encuentra en Londres, desde donde se gestionan tanto nuestra agencia gestora de Lloyd's como los sindicatos. También tenemos una oficina en Birmingham, que es el centro neurálgico del negocio regional de Beazley en el Reino Unido, así como de las operaciones multinacionales de control de créditos, gestión de proyectos y TI.  

Viverra maecenas accumsan lacus vel. Non arcu risus quis varius quam quisque id diam vel. Sit amet cursus sit amet dictum sit amet. Facilisis leo vel fringilla est. Pharetra convallis posuere morbi leo urna molestie at. Elit duis tristique sollicitudin nibh sit amet commodo nulla facilisi. 

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Negrita, cursiva, subrayado, , hipervínculo

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