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Event Guard

What we offer

This solution provides indemnity against financial loss in the event of:

  • Cancellation
  • Abandonment
  • Disruption
  • Rescheduling
  • Non-appearance of an insured person.

The product can be purchased on either a standalone basis or as an extension to our market leading event cancellation policy to provide seamless protection.

How can we help

A combination of perils can be selected to suit the requirements:

  • Acts of terrorism
  • Threat of terrorism
  • Advice from a competent national government agency not to travel
  • Deadly weapon attack at the venue or within a defined radius
  • Civil commotion
  • War
  • Public subversion, including civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military coup
  • National mourning
  • Nuclear, biological, chemical or radioactive terrorism extension available upon request
  • Loss of attraction.

Limits available
Up to US $50,000,000

Who can we help


Your Beazley Team

James Wright

James Wright


London, UK

020 7674 7836

Email: James

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