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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliena dixit in physicis nec ea ipsa, quae tibi probarentur; Non risu potius quam oratione eiciendum? Quae quidem sapientes sequuntur duce natura tamquam videntes; Non quaero, quid dicat, sed quid convenienter possit rationi et sententiae suae dicere. Addo etiam illud, multa iam mihi dare signa puerum et pudoris et ingenii, sed aetatem vides. Satisne vobis videor pro meo iure in vestris auribus commentatus? Age nunc isti doceant, vel tu potius quis enim ista melius? Duo Reges: constructio interrete.

What makes Beazley different?

Insurance is the business of helping people, communities and businesses to manage risk. In a rapidly evolving world, the risks our clients face are changing daily – presenting new challenges and opportunities.

Doing the best for our clients means building and attracting teams with diverse skills and personalities. Our purpose at Beazley is to inspire our clients and people with the confidence and freedom to explore, create and build – to enable people and businesses to thrive. 

Our values are being bold, striving for better and doing the right thing. They inspire the way we work from how we engage with our stakeholders and colleagues to how we design our workspaces, treat our clients and behave as a responsible business - just to name a few. 

Ways of working

We look for people with an entrepreneurial spirit who want to be empowered at work and take ownership for their decisions. 

Whether your at the beginning of your career or looking for a change in direction, our teams require a rich mix of skills and experience. 

Equal Opportunity

We are an equal opportunities employer and as such, we will make reasonable adjustments to our selection process for candidates that indicate that, owing to disability, our arrangements might otherwise disadvantage them. If you have a disability, including dyslexia or other non-visible ones, which you believe may affect your performance in selection, please advise us in good time and we’ll make reasonable adjustments to our processes for you.

Notification Alert

Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet.

Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.