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Breaking Barriers: Celebrating Women's History Month

[Article Highlighted Text] Our vision is to be the highest performing sustainable specialist insurer

Our Responsible Business strategy is based around four central pillars. These pillars are supported by nine key areas across the organisation which are detailed within the outer ring of our responsible business wheel, which is designed to demonstrate the interconnected nature of our approach to responsible business.

We not only set metrics against which we can measure our performance, these are regularly reviewed by our Executive Committee and Board. Beazley’s Responsible Business Steering Group is responsible for challenging the progress and development of the strategy and providing support to the business as it addresses ESG issues and climate related risk.

What we offer

Malicious threats like zero-day malware and ransomware are on the rise but businesses cannot ignore unintended disclosure and human error risks. Business interruption, cyber extortion, loss of critical operational data and electronic crime present critical risks that businesses must address.

In response, we equip all our clients with the cutting-edge pre-breach and risk management tools, services and techniques needed to minimize exposure and reduce vulnerabilities from the dangerous world of cyber risks. In the event of a cyber breach, clients work directly with our inhouse cyber services and claim specialists to resolve the incident.

Beazley Breach Solution is a privacy breach response management and information security insurance solution. The policy form is streamlined and comprehensive to cover organisations seamlessly in the event of a cyber incident.

What we offer

Malicious threats like zero-day malware and ransomware are on the rise but businesses cannot ignore unintended disclosure and human error risks. Business interruption, cyber extortion, loss of critical operational data and electronic crime present critical risks that businesses must address.

In response, we equip all our clients with the cutting-edge pre-breach and risk management tools, services and techniques needed to minimize exposure and reduce vulnerabilities from the dangerous world of cyber risks. In the event of a cyber breach, clients work directly with our inhouse cyber services and claim specialists to resolve the incident.

Beazley Breach Solution is a privacy breach response management and information security insurance solution. The policy form is streamlined and comprehensive to cover organisations seamlessly in the event of a cyber incident.




Malicious threats like zero-day malware and ransomware are on the rise but businesses cannot ignore unintended disclosure and human error risks. Business interruption, cyber extortion, loss of critical operational data and electronic crime present critical risks that businesses must address.

In response, we equip all our clients with the cutting-edge pre-breach and risk management tools, services and techniques needed to minimize exposure and reduce vulnerabilities from the dangerous world of cyber risks. In the event of a cyber breach, clients work directly with our inhouse cyber services and claim specialists to resolve the incident.

Beazley Breach Solution is a privacy breach response management and information security insurance solution. The policy form is streamlined and comprehensive to cover organisations seamlessly in the event of a cyber incident.

Footnote Text

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Duo Reges: constructio interrete.

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Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.