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Cyber Services Snapshot: The evolution of cyber attacker techniques

Recent cyber incidents described in this report demonstrate a shift in the way that cybercriminals are gaining and leveraging access to organisation’s systems and data.

We’re seeing faster lateral movement across IT systems when hackers gain access and the speed of ransomware deployment is increasing as hackers’ tools become smarter and more efficient. The time it takes cybercriminals to exploit publicly disclosed vulnerabilities in software systems is growing faster too. Organisations need to be ready, not just for today’s new reality but for whatever tomorrow will bring.

If we want to keep these emerging trends from becoming significant issues, it’s essential for companies not only to keep tabs on attack groups and their techniques, but also to maintain a cyber risk management approach that is flexible enough to respond as risks emerge and evolve. Organisations must not only have basic controls already in place, but also enough resources and capacity to quickly implement new controls as needed.

Beazley’s Cyber Services team is here to help, and in this quarter’s Cyber Services Snapshot, we take a deep dive into the latest social engineering techniques and criminal gangs that are the masterminds behind well-publicised cyber attacks. Read on to learn more.

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