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Sales Analysis report

Global Insurance Report 2023: Reimagining life insurance (report and podcast)—Following the inaugural 2022 Global Insurance Report, released in February 2022, the first chapter of the 2023 report delves into the major forces at play in the life insurance industry and the business model decisions insurers will face as they seek to accelerate growth and exceed performance targets. Ultimately, a changing industry landscape can allow insurers to overcome current performance challenges by transforming where and how they generate value.

  • Aviation

    We are excited to be exploring new insurance frontiers by providing cover for Nasa’s first rocket launches from a commercial space port outside the United States, as well as the first commercial Lunar rover vehicle designed to land on the moon.

  • Aerospace

    The aviation industry continues to face turbulent times as it struggles to adapt to a post COVID world, labour shortages, and rising energy prices linked to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. However, passenger numbers are on the rise as countries start to open again, and cargo revenues are expected to account for US$191 billion of the industry’s revenues.* Willie Walsh, The International Air Transport Association (IATA) Director

Responsible for sales forecasts

They promise the numbers that their teams will deliver. Depending on the seniority of the leader, how they forecast varies.

Unpredictable events have an enormous impact on your sales forecast. Extreme weather or economic crises all dramatically change your forecast. What you thought you knew about expected revenue growth can be suddenly flipped on its head.

  • Election Fear

    Fraudulent Instruction As A Cause of Loss

    As you can easily notice the second block of text looks more realistic. This way when you show a design to a client you can have a result that resembles the final product. However you can also use this text when you need meaningless text in the background of a design.

  • Business growth
    As you can easily notice the second block of text looks more realistic. This way when you show a design to a client you can have a result that resembles the final product.

  • Product Enrichment
    As you can easily notice the second block of text looks more realistic. 

"Now often found built into CRMs, automation helps simplify tasks like record updates, report generation, and other admin duties."

Daniel Mark

Head of Finance and Operations

The Beazley Difference

What we offer

Malicious threats like zero-day malware and ransomware are on the rise but businesses cannot ignore unintended disclosure and human error risks. Business interruption, cyber extortion, loss of critical operational data and electronic crime present critical risks that businesses must address.

In response, we equip all our clients with the cutting-edge pre-breach and risk management tools, services and techniques needed to minimize exposure and reduce vulnerabilities from the dangerous world of cyber risks. In the event of a cyber breach, clients work directly with our inhouse cyber services and claim specialists to resolve the incident.

Beazley Breach Solution is a privacy breach response management and information security insurance solution. The policy form is streamlined and comprehensive to cover organisations seamlessly in the event of a cyber incident.


Freedom lies in being bold. We dare to be different and seek bold possibilities to create more innovative, fair and satisfying outcomes for our clients, brokers and employees. From insuring the highest building in the world, to the first commercial lunar vehicle to operate on the moon - we boldly go where others won’t.


Good is a start, but we go all-out for better.  A driven community of individuals relentlessly push the needle and creating value. From launching the market’s first dedicated ESG syndicate to the establishment of our business unit focusing on designing digital insurance solutions, we pride ourselves on always going above and beyond.  Simply put, at  Beazley we go to 11.  

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