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Event Guard

What we Offer

  • This solution provides indemnity against financial loss in the event of:

    • Cancellation
    • Abandonment
    • Disruption
    • Rescheduling
    • Non-appearance of an insured person.

    The product can be purchased on either a standalone basis or as an extension to our market leading event cancellation policy to provide seamless protection.

How can we help

  • A combination of perils can be selected to suit the requirements:

    • Acts of terrorism
    • Threat of terrorism
    • Advice from a competent national government agency not to travel
    • Deadly weapon attack at the venue or within a defined radius
    • Civil commotion
    • War
    • Public subversion, including civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military coup
    • National mourning
    • Nuclear, biological, chemical or radioactive terrorism extension available upon request
    • Loss of attraction.

    Limits available
    Up to US $50,000,000

Who can we help


Was certainty remaining 

  • A concise and concrete summary of the research issue being addressed.
  • A clearly defined issue in a particular field of study that requires investigation.
  • The focus or reason for engaging in research.

Your Beazley Team

Marinela Carag

Marinela Carag

Chief Executive Officer

New Jersey, USA

Steve Jhonson

Steve Jhonson

Chief Executive Officer

Boston, MA, USA

Hanna Jhonson

Hanna Jhonson

Chief Executive Officer

London, UK


Email: Hanna

Notification Alert

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Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.